It took me a while to decide writing this article. I’ve been planning to share my experience in scholarship hunting, yet many things happened from time to time so that I thought this wouldn’t be relevant. However, as I promised to myself that I should share what I had been through in getting a scholarship, so this is it! Bagi kalian yang bekerja di Kementerian Keuangan, tentu sudah cukup familiar dengan beasiswa FETA ( Financial Education and Training Agency ). Ini merupakan beasiswa yang dikelola oleh Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Keuangan (BPPK) Kemenkeu, sebagai salah satu upaya peningkatan dan pengembangan kompetensi pegawai di lingkungan Kemenkeu. Selain beasiswa FETA, terdapat beberapa penawaran beasiswa lainnya dari luar Kemenkeu seperti Fulbright/AMINEF (US), Chevening Scholarships (UK), The Australia Awards Scholarships (AAS-Australia), Korea International Cooperation Agency Scholarships (KOICA-Korea), Erasmus Mundus LEADERS, LPDP, Program Beasiswa Pusbindiklatren Bap...
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